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Kagzi lime

Kagzi lime

Kagzi lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) belongs to family Rutaceae, originated in India. It is commercially grown in tropical and subtropical region of India. Kagzi lime is the third most important fruit after Mandarin and Sweet orange and India ranks fifth among major lime producing countries. (ssp group)


Kagzi lemon use for fresh fruit as well as pickle purpose. It's also useful for making juice, RTS, Squash. Ornamental use: The plant is used for ornamental purpose. Medicinal uses of Kagzi lemon are rich in vitamin C, minerals and salts. The plant is used for ornamental purpose. (ssp group)

The Kagzi Nimboo or Kagzi Lemon Plant produces citrus fruits, better known as lemons or lime fruit. They are edible. They are used for culinary purposes also.


In India Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh & Gujarat the prime areas of Lemon cultivation in Gujarat. Temperature — Land: Uniform Cold & Hot weather are most suited to Kagzi Lemon crop. In Heavy rainfall areas infestation of pest disease increases. All areas are suitable for Lemon cultivation.


Citrus fruits are members of the "Rutaceae" family which contain more than a thousand species mostly found in tropical region of Africa, South-East Asia and Australia. Variety is often referred to as Kagzi lime in some parts of India and is grown extensively all over the state. (ssp group)


Citrus fruits being perishable in nature need to be handled delicately and hygienically. Sweet oranges, limes and lemons remain fresh under ambient conditions and hence can be transported to distant places for marketing. More care and attention is required for mandarins during handling and transport.


Grafted or layered or budded plant start fruiting from third year after planting. Fruits of sweet orange are harvested when colour break takes place. Lime and lemons are harvested when matured but still green. (ssp group)


Distance (in acre) Sapling (in land) Cost (per plant) Total Fertilizer Cost of cultivation
12*8 ft 200 65 rs. 200*65 = 13,000 /- 20,000 33,000 /-
Total Expenses: 33,000 /-


Income of year From each plant Total Company buy-back Total
Year 3rd 5 kg 5*200 = 1000 kg 10 rs. 1000*10 = 10,000/-
Year 4th 10 kg 10*200 = 2000 kg 10 rs. 2000*10 = 20,000 /-
Year 5th 15 kg 15*200 = 3000 kg 10 rs. 3000*10 = 30,000 /-
Total 3 years income = 60,000 /-


  1. Kagzi lemon growing first harvesting practical training.
  2. First production starts in 3rd year.
  3. Plantation cost is to be borne only once.
  4. This includes Supervision, consultancy, guidance, Transportation cost first year.
  5. Buy back Agreement of Kagzi lemon.


  1. For 1 Acre plantation the cost of plant is Rs. 13,000 /- out of which 50% i.e. Rs 6,500 /- has to be paid before the cultivation and the remaining half after the planting is done.
  2. The Buy Back Agreement Stamp paper of Rs.100/- has to be stamped by District Court of your area.
  3. For 10 Acre or more yield the buy Back Agreement Stamp Paper will be of Rs.500/-.(ssp group)

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