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The vines are tall, semi hard stemmed with tuberous roots that support themselves by means of cirrhosed tips. Leaves are sessile, alternate; flowers bright, solitary, at first greenish later becoming yellow and finally scarlet; fruit capsules containing many seeds. 1.2 Medicinal properties The plant has been used in the Indian system of medicine since time immemorial. It’s rhizomes are reported to have been used as a tonic, anti-periodic, anti- helminthic and also against snake bites and scorpion stings.

Vareity :Gloriosa Supera


It is used in local applications against parasitic skin diseases and as a cataplasm in urological pains. The drug is sometimes used for promoting labour pains and conversely also as an abortifacient. It is considered useful in colic, chronic ulcers, piles and gonorrhea. The leaves when applied in the form of a paste to the forehead and neck are reported to cure asthma in children. The leaf juice is used against head lice.


Chemical constituents: Rhizomes and seeds contain colchicine, isoperlolyrine and related tropolane alkaloids. Air dried rhizomes contain β- sitosterol and its glucoside, 2-hydroxy 6-methoxy benzoic acid. 2. Package of Practices 2.1 Climate It is a tropical plant and comes up well in warm, humid regions. An annual rainfall of 350 - 400 cm.


The field is divided into convenient plots. About 10 t of FYM should be applied at the time of land preparation. Beds are prepared into ridges and furrows. Furrows with 15 cm depth are made with a spacing of 120 cm -150 cm between them. 2.4 Propagation Gloriosa is commercially propagated from its underground, V-shaped rhizomes. Planting Treated rhizomes are planted during rainy season, in furrows at a depth of 6-8 cm with a plant to plant spacing of 20-30 cm.


The discovery of high colchicine content in seeds led to surge in demand in domestic and international markets. Our company also provides the facility of Buy Back agreement.


The crop flowers during September – October and matures in 170 - 180 days after planting. A single plant produces 75 -100 flowers and a single fruit contains 70 - 100 seeds. The right stage of harvest is when the capsule starts turning light green from dark green and skin of the fruit shows shrunken appearance and becomes light in weight. At this stage, when pressed the pod gives a cracking sound. The harvesting time is February (for crops planted in July). The fruits are harvested after 170 -180 days of planting and dried in the shade for 10 -15 days.


Distance (in acre) Seeds kit in acre Cost of seeds kit Fertilizer Cost of cultivation
2*1 ft 3 kg 7,500 /- 12,000 /- 19,500 /-
Total Expenses: 19,500/-


Income of year Total Seeds Company buy-back of seeds Total Total Dry roots Company buy-back of dry roots Total
Year 1st 80 kg 500 rs. kg 80*500=40,000/- 200 kg 20 rs. kg 200*20=4000/-
Year 2nd 80 kg 500 rs. kg 80*500=40,000/- 200 kg 20 rs. kg 200*20=4000/-
Year 3rd 80 kg 500 rs. kg 80*500=40,000/- 200 kg 20 rs. kg 200*20=4000/-
Year 4th 80 kg 500 rs. kg 80*500=40,000/- 200 kg 20 rs. kg 200*20=4000/-
Year 5th 80 kg 500 rs. kg 80*500=40,000/- 200 kg 20 rs. kg 200*20=4000/-
Total = 40,000 + 4000 = 44,000 /-
Total 5 years income: 2,20,000/-


  1. Kalihari growing first harvesting practical training.
  2. This includes Supervision, consultancy, guidance, Transportation cost first year.
  3. Plantation cost is to be borne only once.
  4. Buy back Agreement of Kalihari seeds and dry roots.
  5. First production starts in 1st year and gets production in every 5 years. (5 years plant life)
  6. Firstly prepare nursery for transplant.
  7. Prepare nursery in 200 square feet area.
  8. Sowing time for Kalihari “April to June”.


  1. For 1 Acre plantation cost of seeds is Rs.7,500/- , which is pay in advance before the cultivation.
  2. The Buy Back Agreement Stamp paper of Rs.100/- has to be stamped by District Court of your area.
  3. For 10 Acre or more yield the buy Back Agreement Stamp Paper will be of Rs.500/-.

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