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Safed Musli


Senna is a small perennial shrub of less than a metre in height ascending branches. The leaves are compound pinnate, petiolate about 10 cm long and bear 5-8 pairs of leaflets each on a small stalk. There are two types of Senna one is rainy season senna(more water needed) and second is without rainy season(Less water needed).

Vareity : Senna, Cassia-angustifolia


Senna is an FDA-approved nonprescription laxative. It is used to treat constipation and also to clear the bowel before diagnostic tests such as colonoscopy. Senna is also used for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), hemorrhoids, and weight loss.


The crop can thrive on a variety of soils, but is largely grown on red loams, on alluvial loams. The texture of the soil which account for the major hectare under Senna crop varies from sandy loam to loam, while the black cotton soils are heavier and more fertile. The average pH ranges from 7 to 8.5. It is very sensitive to water logging. Hence, grown only on well-drained soils. Senna is a warmth loving crop and requires bright sunshine for its successful growth.


Senna could be economically grown under rainfed conditions. In most years, the crop needs no irrigations except under the conditions of prolonged drought. However, when it is grown as a semi-irrigated crop, the yield increased considerably. About 5-8 light irrigations are enough to raise a good crop of Senna, however, heavy irrigations are injurious to the crop.


Market for medicinal plants is volatile and the economics may vary. there is a huge demand for traditional Senna plants. Our company also provides the facility of Buy Back agreement.


Senna plant produces foliage containing higher sennosides between 5-90 days age, depending upon the total plant growth. The picking of leaves is done by hand so that most of the growing tops are removed at harvest this also induces the plants to produce more of branching which otherwise reduce foliage growth considerably. A second picking is taken at 90-100 days and the third picking between 130-150 days when the entire plants are removed so that the harvested material includes both leaves and pods together.

1. Senna - Depends on rainy season:


Distance (in acre) Seeds kit in acre Cost of seeds kit Fertilizer Cost of cultivation
2*1 ft 15 kg 10,000 /- 5000 /- 15,000 /-
Total Expenses: 15,000 /-


Income of year Total dry leaves Company buy-back of dry leaves Total
Year 1st 8 quintal (800 kg) 15 rs. kg 800*15 = 12,000 /-
Year 2nd 8 quintal (800 kg) 15 rs. kg 800*15 = 12,000 /-
Year 3rd 8 quintal (800 kg) 15 rs. kg 800*15 = 12,000 /-
5 years income= 60,000/-

2. Senna – Not depends on rainy season


Distance (in acre) Seeds kit in acre Cost of seeds kit Fertilizer Cost of cultivation
2*1 ft 10 kg 15,000 /- 5000 /- 20,000 /-
Total Expenses: 20,000 /-


Income of year Total dry leaves Company buy-back of dry leaves Total
Year 1st 10 quintal (1000 kg) 15 rs. kg 1000*15 = 15,000 /-
Year 2nd 10 quintal (1000 kg) 15 rs. kg 1000*15 = 15,000 /-
Year 3rd 10 quintal (1000 kg) 15 rs. kg 1000*15 = 15,000 /-
Year 4th 10 quintal (1000 kg) 15 rs. kg 1000*15 = 15,000 /-
Year 5th 10 quintal (1000 kg) 15 rs. kg 1000*15 = 15,000 /-
5 years income= 75,000/-


  1. Senna growing first harvesting practical training.
  2. This includes Supervision, consultancy, guidance, Transportation cost first year.
  3. Plantation cost is to be borne only once.
  4. Buy back Agreement of Senna dry leaves.
  5. First production starts in 1st year and gets production in every 5 years. (5 years plant life)
  6. Sowing time for Senna “April - May”.
  7. Every cutting after raining for (Senna which is depends on rain).
  8. Cutting in every 4th month for (Senna which is not depends on rain).


  1. 1. For 1 Acre plantation cost of seeds kit is Rs.10,000/- (Senna depends on rainy season) , which is pay in advance before the cultivation.
    For 1 Acre plantation cost of seeds kit is Rs.15,000/- (Senna not depends on Rainy season) , which is pay in advance before the cultivation.
  2. The Buy Back Agreement Stamp paper of Rs.100/- has to be stamped by District Court of your area.
  3. For 10 Acre or more yield the buy Back Agreement Stamp Paper will be of Rs.500/-.

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